2021 Paiute 247-mile Adventure: Honda Foreman, Honda Recon, Honda Recon ES

Описание к видео 2021 Paiute 247-mile Adventure: Honda Foreman, Honda Recon, Honda Recon ES

This year we returned again to the Paiute trail system in Utah, and rack up another 247 miles of adventure on our Hondas. The Paiute trails take you from valley floor up to mountain tops and back again through varied terrain, with endless loop-ride opportunities. The machines we rode are:
2007 Honda Recon TM
2014 Honda Recon ES
2015 Honda Foreman 4x4
This trail system is spectacular and very fun. The Hondas never missed a beat. We stayed in Marysvale. We will surely return again in the future.


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