"Eaton Goldfish" BER Lure Painting Guides

Описание к видео "Eaton Goldfish" BER Lure Painting Guides

I custom painted lures for many years before retiring. I've been asked many times about how I painted some of my patterns so I thought I'd share a few of the hundreds of patterns I did matching paint patterns that were no longer available. I not longer paint lures and sold all my painting equipment so please don't ask. Feel free to use these patterns on your own lures.


You can download the BER Custom Lure Painting Guide "Eaton Goldfish.pdf" file for this pattern at the following link:

Dropbox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2008kd...

Paints and Supplies Used on this pattern:

House of Kolor Urethanes: https://tcpglobal.com
Polytranspar Lacquers: https://www.mckenzietaxidermy.com
EnviroTex Lite® Epoxy: https://www.hobbylobby.com
Art Glitter: https://www.artglitter.com
The Glitter Guy https://www.theglitterguy.com

Music: Heel Flip Slynk & Kermode


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