Pressure Transmitter | Calibration/Verification

Описание к видео Pressure Transmitter | Calibration/Verification

This latest video talks about the verification/calibration procedure for the pressure transmitter.
In this video, you will learn
1. What is pressure transmitter and how it works?
2. Basic introduction about pressure transmitter and its manifolds.
3. Types of equipment need to perform verification test of pressure transmitter.
4. How to do five point verification of pressure transmitter by using pressure calibrator?

1. What is pressure transmitter and how it works?
Pressure Transmitter is device which is used to measure pressure in liquids, fluids or gases. Pressure Transmitter has transducer that converts pressure in to analog electrical signals.

2. Basic introduction about pressure transmitter and its manifolds.
All pressure transmitter has two manifolds, and one drain port for verification or calibration. Bottom manifold is isolation manifold. And it remains open in normal operation. Top manifold is vent manifold, and it remains close during normal operation. Small middle port is drain port, and this port is being used during verification or calibration of pressure transmitter.
All pressure transmitter needs on 24Vdc power supply.

3. Types of equipment need to perform verification test of pressure transmitter.
(i) Pressure Calibrator
(ii) Set of pneumatic fittings
(iii) Pneumatic tubing
(iv) Set of different size wrench

4. How to do five point verification of pressure transmitter by using pressure calibrator?
Step-1 Turn Off the main pressure of pressure transmitter by turning isolation manifold in clockwise direction. Make sure that isolation manifold is fully closed.
Step-2 Turn vent manifold anticlockwise direction in order to open the vent manifold.
Step-3 Now, remove the drain port by using wrench. And let it open for four to five seconds so that remaining bubbles will remove.
Step-4 In order to set the unit in pressure calibrator, go to configuration menu and use up and down button to select unit, and press ok to confirm selection .For example, If you want to set kpa unit, go to configuration menu and use down button until you see kpa. After this press ok to confirm selection.
Step-5 Now, Connect 1/4 inch connector to drain port of pressure transmitter. It depends on size of drain port. Sometimes, you may need 1/2 inch connector.
Step-6 Negative terminal of pressure transmitter gives four to twenty milli(4-20mA) ampere analog output. So, connect digital multimeter in series with pressure transmitter to measure analog output.
In other words, put the multimeter in milli ampere measuring mode, and connect red probe to minus terminal of pressure transmitter and connect black probe to negative terminal of twenty four volt dc(24Vdc) supply.
Everything is now set for verification of pressure transmitter.
Now, you should have lower range value and upper range value in order to perform five point verification test.
You can also get this value by connecting hart instrument in series with pressure transmitter.
In this example, lower range value is 0 kpa, and upper range value is two hundred fifty kpa.
Now, divide 250 in to four equal parts. For example, twenty five percent of twenty hundred fifty is sixty two point fifty. So, put this value in applied pressure column just beside twenty five percent.
Calculate same value for fifty percentage and seventy five percentage of two hundred fifty and put this value in applied pressure column.
Put 4 to 20mA ampere analog output standard value in calculated milli ampere column.
Now, apply 62.50 kpa pressure and note down measured pressure and analog output value in respective column.
Repeat same steps for 50% of input, 75% of input and 100% of input.



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