The Blacksmith Director's Talk Stephen Cooke by LINUSTUDIO

Описание к видео The Blacksmith Director's Talk Stephen Cooke by LINUSTUDIO

Feature length film from The Walk World Productions

Director Steve Cooke provides some insight into the film

The Blacksmith - Premiering November 22 2022 Dendy Cinemas Canberra

Tickets available through:

Affected by the trauma from his time as a police officer, Jesse and wife Ella look to begin a new life with a fresh start. They purchase a small place just outside a regional town, far away from the demons of the city. All that remains on the land, is an old blacksmith shed.

Jesse has always wanted to try blacksmithing, but as the pair take their first steps into their new life, strange things begin to occur. The homesteads tragic history is revealed, leading to a showdown with an evil spirit. It’s determined to devour the soul of a little girl, now only a ghost. Jesse discovers that the superstitions of blacksmiths were for good reason.


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