🔖 Autodesk Inventor Basic Tutorial || Sheet Metal

Описание к видео 🔖 Autodesk Inventor Basic Tutorial || Sheet Metal

In this tutorial, we will learn about the basic techniques related to Autodesk Inventor’s Sheet Metal functionality by modelling a Cover.
In the creation process of this model, we will start our work by creating some basic sketches utilising the constrains and dimensions.
After defining the Sheet Metal Defaults we will use Contour Flange, Cut, Mirror, Face Tool, Fold/Unfold, Flanges at a different angle and Corner Seam Tool to complete the model.
Later we will generate the Flat Pattern of the model and examine the Extents of the sheet along with Bend Order Annotation.
In the end, we will create Drawing Sheet of the model where we will place Folded as well as Flat Pattern of the model along with Bend Notes. So let us start
We have given a sufficient amount of pause over the tooltip and command prompt so that they can be read easily…must focus on them to learn and understand the software in detail.
Visit the following link to get the finished model file:-----
So after successfully completing the tutorial, all of you can watch more videos on Sheet Metal by us to practice more and learn more…
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(Tutorial Concept Curtsy – Default SolidWorks Software Help)

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