How Chinese Dig Caves to Raise Black Pigs in the Mountains | Food Factory

Описание к видео How Chinese Dig Caves to Raise Black Pigs in the Mountains | Food Factory

TF75. How Chinese Dig Caves to Raise Black Pigs in the Mountains | Food Factory

In the remote mountains of China, an innovative method has been developed where locals dig caves to raise black pigs, creating a unique and sustainable environment. This practice is particularly fascinating to observe in the context of a food factory setting. These underground pig farms provide a stable temperature and protection from harsh weather, ensuring the health and growth of the pigs, which is essential for a thriving food factory. The process involves careful planning and engineering, transforming natural caves into efficient pig-rearing facilities. This approach not only showcases the ingenuity of traditional farming methods but also integrates them with modern food factory standards, ensuring high-quality pork production while maintaining ecological balance.

00:00 food factory
05:35 pork processing factory
12:35 harvest and process corn
20:50 seafood processing factory
24:35 food processing factory

This Video researched by: Robin Ondricka
Address: 33213 Thad Ports Apt. 232 Bruenhaven, NC 63753
Geographic coordinates: 45.303907,30.696062
Mother's maiden name: Sauer
Date 1988-11-15
Age 35 years old


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