33 college apps later as your average bay area cs applicant... (missing some schools like umich (explained in the vid), waterloo/asu/ucsc (they emailed), uci (i opened it in an interview) but i got into all of those)
although i am usually a rather hyper individual, i didn't have a big reaction for any of my college results (my biggest would prob be my dream school, gt), maybe cuz i opened them in relatively public spaces? here to spice up your college reactions binge-watching by showing that it is literally just waiting 10 mins for a plain html website to load! i cut most of that out cuz it was boring af tho LOL.
also sorry for the spoiler if you recognize my dorm room from the thumbnail LMAOO it is currently thanksgiving break so i can finally work on this vid a year later & idk where else to take the pic 💀
00:00 stanford (rea)
00:23 purdue (ea)
00:42 usc (ea)
1:11 usc (rd)
1:29 unc chapel hill (ea)
2:26 uiuc (ea)
2:56 umaryland (ea)
3:29 georgia tech (ea) (dream school!)
4:41 uw-mad (ea)
5:32 ut austin (ea)
5:42 caltech (rd)
6:01 northeastern (rd)
6:40 mit (rd)
7:54 uwash (rd)
8:27 uc san diego
8:47 ucla
9:23 u of toronto
9:53 uc santa barbara
11:06 northwestern (rd)
11:30 cal poly slo
11:57 uc berkeley
12:16 cornell (rd)
12:28 yale (rd)
12:36 upenn (rd)
13:06 duke (rd)
13:21 columbia (rd)
13:37 cmu (rd)
13:57 yapping! (final thoughts)
=====(SPOILERS BELOW)=====
Northeastern (RD) -- 1 semester abroad, Georgia Tech (EA), UMaryland (EA), UMich (EA), UWisconsin-Madison (EA), Purdue (EA) -- accidentally applied CE instead of CS so I got accepted into engineering, ASU (pretty early on), UC Santa Barbara College of Creative Studies, UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, University of Toronto (RD), California State University San Francisco -- after I got rejected from Cal Poly SLO, they automatically redirected my application here, MIT (RD), UPenn (RD), Waterloo (RD) -- technically applied CS & Software Engineering, got the latter but not the former (was offered Math Honours instead of CS)
UC Berkeley (ended up getting rejected)
No deferrals! :) (other than USC bc they don't reject EA)
Cornell (RD), Stanford (REA), Northwestern (RD), Columbia (RD), California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (RD), UC Los Angeles, UC San Diego, University of Washington, UT Austin (EA), UIUC (EA), University of Southern California (EA), UNC Chapel Hill (EA), Yale (RD) -- CS & Psychology, CMU (RD) -- BCSA, Duke (RD), Caltech (RD)
feel free to message me on instagram @jolie._.rancher :) (it's private for now oops i might turn it public soon since y'all are messaging me on linkedin of all places???)
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