Fossil Rock Anthem

Описание к видео Fossil Rock Anthem

Check out Rhymewit!
It combines lyrics, music, science into lyrical puzzles!

Party Rock Anthem - fossilized! This video is part of my thesis from the Master of Science Communication program at the University of Otago. I now teach 8th grade science at the Nueva School near San Francisco, and I've launched a new YouTube show called Science With Tom with weekly videos. Click here to subscribe!

Explain/annotate the lyrics on rap genius:

The song parodies "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO. The instrumental was made by DJ Lisan ( in San Francisco. Female vocals by Nicole Bonsol. Male vocals and lyrics and the animated video by me. Mastered by Hank Kalleen (Ear Jerker).

The song covers the California 7th grade standards on Earth & life history. The song and video are part of thesis I'm doing about the impact of music in science education as part of a Master of Science Communication at the University Otago in New Zealand (which began thanks to a Fulbright scholarship). Data on the song's impact are pretty interesting.

I've also made an accompanying eBook that explains the science in a bit more depth, including why "they're the schist" has an * (hint: schist is a metamorphic rock). I haven't figured out whether to release the PDF to internet yet, but if you're interested in using it for educational purposes, send me a YouTube message.

Thanks to Jessica Hinojosa & Jens Lund Snee for geology consultation, Alex Lubransky for dance consultation, and Andrew Scott for green screen consultation.


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