What Time is It, Mr. Wolf? Nozomi Preschool (

Описание к видео What Time is It, Mr. Wolf? Nozomi Preschool (

"What Time is It, Mr. Wolf" is a game my team played with a bunch of preschoolers at Nozomi Preschool in Hidaka, Saitaka, Japan. It features Andrew Melton, Chris Harlos, Alletha Barnett, Rachael Heistand, Nicole Bowman, Grace Bayer, Lane Backstrom, and the Nozomi Preschoolers students and workers.

Produced by Justin Chase Canavan.
Music by Techno Axe.
©2014 Canacreate Productions.

Find out more about "Mission to Japan: The Documentary" at www.justinchasecanavan.com/missiontoJapan.


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