Jump For My Love - Perpetuum Jazzile (SELFIE VIDEO), A Capella

Описание к видео Jump For My Love - Perpetuum Jazzile (SELFIE VIDEO), A Capella

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Pridružite se nam na odru!

Kaj imajo skupnega edinstvena vokalna zasedba Perpetuum Jazzile in kultna ameriška R&B zasedba The Pointer Sisters? Več, kot bi si morda predstavljali!

Medtem, ko so Anita, Ruth in June leta 1983 izdale uspešnico »Jump for My Love«, se je v Ljubljani oblikoval akademski jazzovski zbor Gaudemus, ki se je kasneje preimenoval v vokalno zasedbo Perpetuum Jazzile.

Naključje ali ne, ob 30-letnici uradnega delovanja smo za vas pripravili prav poseben glasbeni videospot, ki vas 'preslika' na oder. Ste se kdaj spraševali, kako se pevke in pevci počutimo med koncertom na samem odru? Naša energija, prijateljstvo, zanos in veselje do glasbe se izvrstno odražajo v energičnih ritmih funk skladbe »Jump for My Love«. Priredbo je spisal naš švedski sodelavec David Saulesco, vlogo Pointer Sisters pa so, več kot odlično, odigrale Mateja Mackenzie, Sandra Feketija in Aleksandra Lamut.

Video spot glasbeno zaokrožuje naše priprave na vokalni spektakel v ljubljanski Areni Stožice, kjer bomo 9. in 10. novembra nastopili pred 20.000 poslušalci! Dvorana bo povsem polna, z nastopom pa želimo začeti točno. Zato vse, ki ste si pravočasno zagotovili vstopnice - nekaj se jih še dobi na prodajnih mestih Petrola in Eventima - prosimo, da v izogib pretirani gneči v dvorano vstopite točno uro in pol pred začetkom koncerta, torej v soboto ob 18:30 uri in v nedeljo ob 16:30 uri. Kaj kmalu za tem vas čaka krajši zabaven predkoncertni program, med zanimivimi novimi PJ prodajnimi izdelki pa vam bo na razpolago tudi naša najnovejša CD kompilacija z naslovom »Thank You For The Music«, ki jo bomo v dvorano pripeljali tako rekoč še vročo iz tiskarne!"

Če vam je glasbeni videospot všeč, si ga boste še ta teden lahko v mp3 obliki naložili tudi preko iTunesov in Amazona.

Se vidimo v Stožicah!

Avtor aranžmaja: David Saulesco

Režija videospota: Perica Rai & Vladan J.
Videoprodukcija: MEDIASPOT (www.mediaspot.si)
D.O.P.: Vladan Jankovič, Peter Prevec
Asistentka: Nina Grom

Vodja projekta: Tomaž Cör

Tonski mojster: Dare Novak
Asistent tonskega mojstra: Miha Rojko
Asistenti zvočne produkcije: Žiga Tišler, Matej Oštir
Mastering: Glenn Miller

Koreografinja: Kaja Trebše

Join us on the stage!

What do the unique vocal group Perpetuum Jazzile and the legendary American R&B band The Pointer Sisters have in common? More than you may have imagined!

In 1983 when Anita, Ruth and June released their hit "Jump for My Love", the academy jazz choir Gaudeamus was founded in Ljubljana. The choir was later renamed to Perpetuum Jazzile vocal group.

Whether this is a coincidence or not, we have prepared a special music video for you to celebrate our 30th anniversary, which will beam you up onstage. Have you ever wondered what the singers feel like on the stage during a concert? Our energy, friendship, enthusiasm and love for music are expressed to the point in the energetic rhythms of the song "Jump for My Love". The arrangement is the work of our Swedish collaborator David Saulesco while Mateja Mackenzie, Sandra Feketija and Aleksandra Lamut really got into the roles of the Pointer Sisters.

The video rounds up our preparations for the vocal spectacle at the Stožice Arena in Ljubljana where we will perform on November 9 and 10 for an audience of 20,000! All visitors (some tickets are still available at the Petrol fuelling stations and Eventim outlets) are kindly asked to arrive at the venue at 6.30 pm on November 9 and at 4 pm on November 10. We are expecting a packed venue on both nights and the show will start punctually. We have also prepared an entertaining pre-concert show that will start soon after the doors open. Also, a number of nice surprises are in store for the early birds, including our latest album titled "Thank You For The Music".

If you like the video, you can download the mp3 in a few days from iTunes or Amazon.

See you in Stožice!

Arrangement: David Saulescu

D.O.P.: Vladan Jankovič, Peter Prevec
Assistant : Nina Grom

Project manager: Tomaž Cör

Sound engineer: Dare Novak
Assisting sound engineer: Miha Rojko
Sound production staff: Žiga Tišler in Matej Oštir
Mastering engineer: Glenn Miller

Choreographer: Kaja Trebše


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