Cold Stratification | 2021 Garden | OCHM

Описание к видео Cold Stratification | 2021 Garden | OCHM

In this video, we talk about cold stratification. In our growing area (New England), there are many types of seeds that require the cold temperatures of our winters in order to successfully germinate in the spring. Because some of the seeds we ordered need this process, we essentially need to trick them into thinking they have gone through a winter cycle so that when it warms up, they will start to grow. See how we do it and how you can too!

Join us on the journey of our garden exhibit for 2021: Growing Local History: The OCHM Garden. You can learn more about our process and see updates on our website at https://www.oldcolonyhistorymuseum.or...

This project was made possible, in part, by a Digital Capacity grant from Mass Humanities. You can check out all the great work they are supporting at

About the OCHM:
The OCHM Garden is the 2021 special exhibit of the Old Colony History Museum (OCHM), a local history museum located in Taunton, Massachusetts. The Museum’s parent organization is the Old Colony Historical Society, one of the oldest organizations of its kind in New England. Founded in 1853, it serves the region of southeastern Massachusetts that was once part of the Plymouth Colony.

At OCHM, we’re committed to the preservation of our history through public engagement and community outreach. We’re here to collect, curate, interpret, and bring to vibrant life the history of the Old Colony, collaborating with the community to share those meaningful connections that knit together our past, present, and future. We invite you to experience what we mean by history happens here.

To learn more about us, you can visit:
Follow us on social media at @oldcolonyhistory
To support our work: https://www.oldcolonyhistorymuseum.or...

Thanks for watching!


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