Lluís Llach Madame clip 1972

Описание к видео Lluís Llach Madame clip 1972

English translation by L.Bedrock (USA). Es pot considerar el primer videoclip del Llach, és de l'any 1972, fet per Televisió Espanyola a Catalunya.
Poso la lletra de la cançó:


Ningú sap el seu nom,
tothom li deia la "Madame".
Rodona com una nou,
estirada i suant,
a la platja amb el seu mallot
que va comprar a "Samaritan".
Turista a la planxa
amb oli, sorra i sal.

I els nois que per la platja
la senten dolça roncar,
amb aires de coqueta,
amant de qualsevol amant,
l'envolten i li canten,
el cor li fan esvalotar,
arrugues que s'amaguen
divises a guanyar.

Oh, que esvelta i maca
que està avui, "Madame",
sembla una sirena sortida del mar,
quins cabells més ben tintats que duu "Madame".

I ella res comprèn,
ensenya una dent,
riu, riu i res no diu.

Quina panxa més rodona té "Madame",
les arrugues són gentils i sensuals,
per poc preu seria el vostre amant "Madame".

I ella res comprèn,
ensenya una dent,
riu, riu i res no diu.

I te n'aniràs a França.
maleta plena de records,
barrets i castanyoles, conyacs i mocadors,
enveja de veïnes que no han tingut la sort
d'anar a terres fadrines i comprar una cançó..

No One Knew Her Name (Madam)

No one knew her name,
Everyone called her Madam,
Round as a nut,
Smooth and soft,
On the beach with the tee-shirt
She bought in "Samaritan",
A lightly grilled tourist
With oil, salt, and sand.

And the young men on the beach,
They hear her gentle snores,
As she dreams coquettish dreams
Of a lover that allures,
They surround her and they sing to her
And make her passions burn,
All her wrinkles disappear:
Foreign currency to earn.

Oh how svelte and beautiful you are, Madam,
You resemble a siren tossed upon the sand,
What beautiful dyed hair you have today, Madam,
She smiles although she knows not what they sing,
And laughs and laughs, but doesnt say a thing.

What a fine pot belly you possess, Madam,
Your wrinkles are so genteel and sensual,
For just a little money, Id be your man, Madam
She smiles although she knows not what they sing
And laughs and laughs, but doesnt say a thing.

And shell return to France,
With all the things that shes brought back:
Hats and castanets, cravats, and cognac,
Shell earn the envy of her friends who couldnt come along,
Go to foreign lands, and buy themselves a song.


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