Bella Coola The Hill - The Switchback - July 2021 - Highway 20 - The Freedom Road

Описание к видео Bella Coola The Hill - The Switchback - July 2021 - Highway 20 - The Freedom Road

Bella Coola The Hill - The Switchback - July 2021 - Highway 20 - The Freedom Road

Make sure to switch the video to Full HD :)

Highway 20 from Williams Lake to Bella Coola
73Km of gravel road between Anahim Lake and Stuie.
Stuie is 50km from Hagensborg.
Hagensborg is 15km from Bella Coola downtown.

Beautiful scenery on the video.
If you skip to 12min15sec you will to see the start of the beautiful descent, with all the hairpins back and forth.
They also call the gravel section of the Highway 20 - "The Freedom Road".

Fun fact... well ... no so fun... trust me:

We got a very small puncture on the rear tire 15km to 20km from Stuie coming down the hill.
The scary part... we did not know the area, or how far we were from anything, or any garage.
(nope... no flat tire kit, no cellphone coverage... nothing...)

Eventually the tire was so under inflated, that we had to stop, before getting it wrecked.
Right then, we saw a Lodge - WOW!!!! God Is Great!

As soon as we saw the lodge on the road, in Stuie, we stopped. - so lucky that there was a lodge so close, or we would have to leave the bike behind :'(.... - I don't even want to think about it.

God bless !!! - They helped us by looking for a tow truck for us and being so helpfull. But unfortunately none was able to transport the motorcycle.
The girl from the lodge gave us a ride to Hagensbord, keeping the bike safe on one of their garages - Thank you :)

Another blessing, was the owners of the place where we were staying in Hagensborg.
They had a trailer, that right away they so kindly and humbly offered us and helped us going back to Stuie and pick up the motorcycle. - Thank you :)

We were able to get it fixed in Hagensborg OK Tire. - Thank you :)

Thanks to some great local people - something that could have gone so wrong for our road trip, was turned into an opportunity to meet such amazing people. - thank you all for your kindness.

If you plan to take the Ferry from Bella Coola to Port Hardy, you only need to show up 45min - 30min to departure - as per the Ferry staff. - yes... the website says 2.5 hours prior.... and there we were at 5am ... needless to say - we were there alone....

2022 Destination - Bella Coola... in a heart beat - it was so beautiful and relaxing staying in Hagensborg.

Highly recommend!!!

Thank you for watching and thank you everyone for your help.

God bless!


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