Fundamentals of treating patients with hip/pelvic issues | Osteopathic and Chiropractic CPD

Описание к видео Fundamentals of treating patients with hip/pelvic issues | Osteopathic and Chiropractic CPD

Carl Todd explains 3 fundamental issues – anatomy, how they move, how much load.

Dr Carl Todd is a registered osteopath, lecturer, published author and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Carl has a PhD in orthopaedics and clinical science, Masters degree in sport injury medicine and an Honours degree in osteopathy. Carl’s professional memberships include the General Osteopathic Council, Institute of Osteopathy, Osteopathic Sports Care Association, British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine, British Medical Acupuncture Society and the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

The Academy of Physical Medicine streams your CPD live via the internet, so you can complete your CPD requirements from the comfort of your own home or practice – without taking time away from your business, and without sacrificing the opportunity to interact with the speakers and with other practitioners.
The CPD events are fully interactive, highly informative and hugely varied. What’s more they relate directly to your clinical practice and to the requirements of the General Council.
They’re unlike any other online CPD – think chat-show, not PowerPoint! You can watch, listen and ask questions using your preferred device, and it all counts towards your ‘Learning with Others’ quota. All the broadcasts (except case-based discussions) are recorded and available on the website with full supporting material (transcripts, summaries, handouts and more).
Every broadcast is followed up with a highly detailed certificate, including all the information needed by the General Council for your CPD return. They even include a draft statement of reflection!



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