How to use Going to in English | Use of Going to in English Grammar | Going to be Examples |

Описание к видео How to use Going to in English | Use of Going to in English Grammar | Going to be Examples |

How to use Going to in English | Use of Going to in English Grammar | Going to be Examples |

In this video, we'll explore the Present tense in English using the phrase "going to be". We'll cover:
How to form sentences using "going to be"
When to use "going to be" vs other present tense constructions
Examples of "going to be" in different contexts
Tips for using "going to be" correctly
By the end of the video, you'll have a solid understanding of how to talk about the future using "going to be" and be able to apply it in your own conversations. Let's get started!
Use of going to be

how to use be going to
what is the use of be going to
what to use instead of be going to
when we use be going to
where will you be going



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