20130604 锵锵三人行 陈平原:鲁迅为保护墨迹从不给杂志社寄手稿

Описание к видео 20130604 锵锵三人行 陈平原:鲁迅为保护墨迹从不给杂志社寄手稿

6分钟,54轮,690万元!在中国嘉德[微博]春拍古籍善本专场,此前备受关注的鲁迅手书《古小说钩沉》一页手稿,最终以11.5倍于起拍价的690万元,被号牌为1000号的先生收入囊中。由于该份手稿属于国家一级文物,依据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》第五十八条的相关规定,国有文物收藏单位对这件拍品具有优先购买权。也就是说,如果7日内没有国有文物收藏单位行使优先购买权,1000号才能确认这件拍品归他所有。据嘉德古籍善本部负责人拓晓堂介绍,《古小说钩沉》手稿来源于香港鲍耀明先生的委托。一同委托上拍的还有他珍藏的周作人旧物8件。9件物品中,尤以1911年鲁迅手书《古小说钩沉》手稿最为珍贵。鲁迅博物馆客座研究员、学者止庵谈到这页手稿时说,《古小说钩沉》1938年收录于《鲁迅全集》第八卷,曾经出版了排印本和影印本,其中包含《许氏志怪》的篇章,因此这页手稿里的文字内容并非首次现世。不过这一点儿也不影响手稿的重要性。这页手稿还有一个特殊之处:周作人在哥哥的手稿上写了一行题记,这是比较少见的。6 minutes, 54, 6.9 million yuan! In China Guardian [microblogging] special spring auction rare books, previous concern Lu Xun handwritten "Ancient Novels," a manuscript, and ultimately to 11.5 times the starting price of 6.9 million yuan, the license plate number of 1000, Mr. revenue bag. Since the manuscripts belong to the state-level cultural relics, according to "The People's Republic of China Cultural Relics Protection Law" the relevant provisions of Article 58 of the state-owned cultural relics collection units have pre-emptive rights in this auction. That is, if seven days without exercise pre-emption of state-owned cultural relics collection units, 1000 to confirm this auction in his possession. According to the Guardian ancient Rio Xiao Shan Tong headquarters responsible person, the "Ancient Novels" Mr. Baoyao Ming manuscript from Hong Kong delegate. Entrusted with the shot and his collection of old objects ren 8. 9 items, especially 1911 Lu Xun handwritten "Ancient Novels" the most precious manuscripts. Lu Xun Museum Visiting Fellow, academics Um only when it comes to this page manuscript, "said Ancient Novels" in 1938 included in the "Complete Works" Volume VIII, who published a book and photocopies of typography, which contains the "Hsu's Ghost," the chapter, so this page manuscript in the text is not the first secular. But this is not at all affect the importance of the manuscript. This page also has a special about the manuscript: Zhou Zuoren in her brother's manuscript inscription written on a line, which is relatively rare.


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