African Art - 4 Central Africa and East Africa

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Fourth video about the African Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.

Asura Gallery:
Historia del Arte: http://anamurahistoriadelarte.blogspo...

African art is a collection of artistic expressions produced by the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa throughout history. The African continent hosts a wide variety of cultures, each characterized by its own language, traditions and characteristic artistic forms. Although the vast expanse of the Sahara desert acts as a natural dividing barrier between North Africa and the rest of the continent, there is considerable evidence confirming a whole series of influences between both areas through trade routes that crossed Africa since ancient times.

Central Africa
Cameroon: divided in three regions. The Bamileke (3) area is composed by various chiefdoms, as Bangwa and Bacham. Human figures with rounded forms. The kingdom of Bamum (3) has sculptures with great cheeks
Gabon: there are four groups. The Fang have masks characterized by schematic simplicity, white masks with black lines (2), and the bieri (1) contain skulls and bones of the ancestors. The Ogowe have an art related to dead, white masks symbolizing female ancestors (1). The Kota have copper or brass reliquaries (2) and baskets with a carved figure (2) to contain bones of ancestors. The Punu have women masks (2)
North Congo: zone with rainforest. The Lega have ivory sculptures. The Mangbetu and Zande have sculptures of wood or ivory. The Ngbaka and Ngbandi have masks, wooden figures and shields
South Congo: zone with savannah. In Lower Congo there are figures of a seated mother and child (3). The nkongi fetishes are human figures combined with animals (2). The mangaaka fetishes have magical substances as blood with animal, vegetable or mineral matter, saved in the stomach or behind the head, covered with a shell or mirror (2). There are also wooden tops (1) with narrative motifs. The yaka figures (3) use geometric patterns. Among the masks, there are the kakungu, the mask of the chief of the initiation ritual. The Pende masks (3) are more realist, helmet style. The Teke are known by the butti fetishes (2), that are for cult to supernatural forces, and masks (1). The art of the Kuba is very developed. Sculpture of Shamba Bolongongo (1), other sculpture, mashamboy masks (2), decorated with shells and feathers. The Luba have dodu figures (3), female carved sculptures for pregnant women. Also, the buli (1), long face figure. The Songye conquerer the Luba. Sculptures, axes, and kifwebe masks (3)

East Africa
Sudan and South Sudan: agriculture and cattle raising is extended in this region. Bongo and Bari figures (4). The Shilluk have humanoid sculptures and pipes (3). The Burun and Nuba have mural paintings (1) and body decoration (1)
Horn of Africa: the people of Amhara in Ethiopia inherited the byzantine christian tradition (2). The Somali are muslims (3), and in the examples are Tomb of Sheikh Darod, Sultanate of Adal Zeila and Hafun Mosque. The Konso have funerary wooden posts with heads representing deceased nobles and warriors. The Arusi have shields (1) and jewelry (2). The kingdom of Aksum is known by the commemorative steles, related to the funerary ritual (1)
Lakes Victoria and Tanganyika: the cultures in this region are known by their figures of copper and iron. The Kerewe of Ukerewe Island have great wooden figures. The Ganda and Tutsi have shields, screens and baskets
Eastern Coast: this area covers the regions of Kenya, Tanzania and the Swahili Coast. The trade between the East of Africa, Arabia and India influenced in decorative arts. The Swahili art has wooden carved doors and jewelry. The Kamba sculpture (3) is very well made, and they also have paintings (1), pottery (1) and stools (1). The Kikuyu and the Maasai are known by their shields

Music: Cicle of Life, The Lion King by Hans Zimmer & Elton John

Photos taken in Google images.

No copyright infringement intended.


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