MacBook Pro 13 2016 - Battery Replacement (still good in 2023?)

Описание к видео MacBook Pro 13 2016 - Battery Replacement (still good in 2023?)

In this video, join me as I share my experience of replacing the battery on my MacBook Pro 13 from 2016. Despite being a 7-year-old machine, this MacBook was in fantastic shape and it was the main reason why I decided to purchase it. However, the only issue it had was a worn-out battery that desperately needed replacement.
After searching online, I found a reliable online store where I purchased a new battery for my MacBook. Excited to revive my machine, I embarked on the repair process. Little did I know, it wouldn't be an easy task. The MacBook Pro 13 had an intricate design with numerous screws holding different parts together. It required careful handling and a lot of patience.
One of the biggest challenges I faced during the repair was removing the adhesive of the old battery. It was stubborn and seemed determined to cling onto its place. However, with the right tools and gentle perseverance, I managed to successfully replace the battery without causing any damage to the MacBook.
After completing the replacement, I couldn't resist comparing my MacBook Pro 13 with the new M1 MacBook Pro. Surprisingly, they appeared externally identical, which is a testament to the timeless design of the MacBook Pro. This finding made me appreciate my older machine even more, knowing that it still holds up in terms of aesthetics.
One feature that particularly stood out on my MacBook Pro 13 was the bootcamp for Windows. Having the ability to run Windows alongside macOS was a convenient feature that I frequently utilized. It provided me with flexibility and allowed me to use certain applications that were exclusive to Windows.

Ultimately, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who took the time to watch this video. If you found it helpful or interesting, please consider subscribing to my channel for more content related to tech repairs and comparisons. Thank you!


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