What to do when stuck in Lift / Elevator | How to use Elevator | Lift Safety Tips | ABOUT ELEVATORS

Описание к видео What to do when stuck in Lift / Elevator | How to use Elevator | Lift Safety Tips | ABOUT ELEVATORS

It is very important to know how to use lift in daily life. Many people don't know proper way to use elevator and get panic when they get stuck in the elevator. I this video I've explained important safety tips along with essential tips for people while get stuck in the elevator.

Video goes like:
0:00 Introduction
0:30 While Waiting For the Elevators
1:00 While Boarding the Elevators
1:23 While travelling 'IN' the Elevator
1:51 While Leaving the Elevator
2:32 Stay Calm, Do Not Panic!
3:06 Press All Floor Buttons
3:34 Look Through the Gap Between Lift Doors
4:03 Use Your Phone
4:30 React In-accordance to Time

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