How to measure landing page success with GA4 explorations

Описание к видео How to measure landing page success with GA4 explorations

Reporting on conversion rates for paid traffic is common.
Reporting on conversion rates per landing page for desktop and mobile visitors is rare.

But really, this is where the real insights are.

Working with clients and checking Analytics, day after day, we see brands buying traffic that never converts. But it’s not hard to find those ultra-low conversion rates. You just need to do a little paid traffic analysis in GA4.

It’s an exploration, and it’s not hard to set up.

This video shows the process for building the report that shows exactly where you're wasting ad dollars, from paid search (PPC) or paid social (Meta ads, etc.)

Here’s a breakdown of the process for checking mobile conversion rates in GA4, specifically for improving landing page performance:

🔷 1:08 How to set up a GA4 exploration
🔷 1:57 Selecting your Dimensions (Landing page + query string, Session medium, Device category)
🔷 3:37 Selecting your Metrics (Sessions, Session conversion rates)
🔷 2:50 Building the report (Rows, Values and Filter)
🔷 4:08 The insights
🔷 6:19 How to filter for multiple dimensions (simple RegEx)
🔷 6:25 The case for bounce rate

I’ve seen many clients save lots of money by adjusting their ad spend after seeing this report. One client immediately turned off almost all of their mobile ads and saved around $70,000 per year. Definitely worth taking a few minutes to run this report for yourself.

You can get the full post with detailed step-by-step instructions for creating this GA4 report, along with a list of best practices for paid traffic landing pages. It also includes an AI prompt that you can use to audit your landing pages.

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#landingpages #ppc #conversionoptimization


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