Designing Board Wargames - 1 Introduction, Features of All Games

Описание к видео Designing Board Wargames - 1 Introduction, Features of All Games

This series of lectures presents a course in development on the design of board war games. They correspond to my textbook Designing Wargames - Introduction now available at and Amazon Kindle.

The target audience is students in Interactive Media, Game Development, and Computer Game Design, most of whom have never seen let alone played a board wargame. I discuss general properties of games, teach the play of three classic board wargames, and use those games as a skeleton on which to build discussions of various rules features.

I have activated the Closed Caption voice to text converison for this video. I do not have the time needed to proofread the voice to text, so some of the conversions may be a bit odd. Voice to text conversion is still an emerging technology. Hopefully the conversion will be of at least some use for some of you. My five books on game design, here notably Designing Board War Games, may be of some assistance.


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