What if MAGNETO Became Emperor in Star Wars - X-men Crossover

Описание к видео What if MAGNETO Became Emperor in Star Wars - X-men Crossover

Music - Karl Casey

What if Magneto Became The Emperor? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

overseeing the vast expanse of the Death Star, Palpatine stands on the bridge of his ship, watching as construction nears completion. Already the main weapon and most of the superstructure are finished. It only requires a few final touches before becoming fully operational. After that, the entire galaxy will tremble before its power.

Palpatine’s yellow eyes gleam with satisfaction as he observes the bustling activity below. Engineers and droids work tirelessly to finish the structure that will assure the Empire’s dominance.

Suddenly, his comlink crackles to life. The voice of an officer comes through, barely audible from the sounds of blaster fire.

Officer: Emperor Palpatine, we have an intruder on the station. I don’t know how he’s boarded the station but he has…ahhh!

The transmission ends with the officer’s scream, cut off by static. Palpatine’s gaze narrows. He reaches for his lightsaber as the sounds of distant fighting grow louder, echoing through the halls. Blaster fire and screams fill his ears followed by the unmistakable sounds of footsteps.

His fingers hovered over the power button of his lightsaber. Then, with a sudden, violent crash, the commander center doors rip open. There’s no explosion or saber cuts, but the metal screeches and twists as if they are alive.

After a brief moment of silence the doors then fly forward straight at Palpatine. In an instant, he has his lightsaber activated and ready, slicing through the door and sending its severed halves flying behind him.

From the mangled doorway, A figure in crimson and purple appears, a helmet hiding his features. With a mere flick of his wrist, the debris parts before him , revealing the man at the heart of this destruction —Magneto.

Palpatine shivers as he senses the power this man possesses. For the first time in many years, Palpatine knows fear.

Magneto: Leave, emperor. This station and its tyranny end now.

Palpatine: Y-you. Who are you?

Magneto: Your doom. Now will you make this easy or will I get a challenge?

That fear momentarily turns into anger as without another word, the Sith Lord lunges, his lightsaber arcing through the air in a deadly sweep. Magneto raises a hand, and the metal floor beneath Palpatine’s feet rises and shields him from the attack. As Palpatine’s lightsaber slices through, Magneto is already moving back and sends the shards flying at the emperor who stops to defend against the attack.

He pushes these shards aside and snarls, unleashing a torrent of Sith Lightning. Magneto raises the ruins of the door in front of himself, feeling the electricity crackle across it. He winces as the sparks strike him across the body, then channels a magnetic field to deflect the lightning into the wall.

The room begins to shake from the electricity, but Magneto stumbles as the effort proves exhausting. Palpatine takes this advantage and rushes forward, using the Force to enhance his speed.

Magneto can barely block his attacks, lifting whatever objects he can find, pipes, panels, and even chunks of the ceiling. But this just buys him time Palpatine shatters whatever he has to throw.

Palpatine: You cannot win. I am the Emperor!”

Magneto: Not anymore.

His eyes begin to glow with power as he raises his hand. Palpatine brings his lightsaber down but freezes mid-swing. His eyes widen as his lightsaber refuses to move no matter how much effort he puts in.

Magneto shoves Palpatine back and takes hold of his lightsaber. As he stumbles back, the emperor snarls and extends both hands to unleash the full fury of the Dark Side. Lightning arcs towards Magneto but he lifts his lightsaber to deflect the attack, letting it bounce against the walls and floors of the command deck .

As they strike the metal plating of the room, Magneto slowly moves forward, each step bending more and more of the metal, all of it collecting the electricity of Palpatine's attack. . The Emperor's eyes widen in shock as his powers are being turned against him. Magneto opens his palm, his eyes unblinking as the metal, wires, and random debris of the deck fly towards Palpatine, all charged with his own dark power.

The Emperor grits his teeth in shock as the hunks of metal and debris embed themselves in the floor around him, a blast of lighting releasing with every impact. He is trapped in a cage of metal and electricity, and cannot escape. . With a final, desperate push, The emperor attempts to force the debris away, but Magneto closes his fist crashing the cage into Palpatine in a great flash of light. The Sith Lord screams, his body convulsing as the energy consumes him. The aftermath is nothing more than a smoldering pile of charred flesh and burnt robes.

At that moment, several squads of stormtroopers burst through the ruined doors, blasters ready. They freeze though as they see the emperor’s smoking body and Magneto faces


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