How to Use Lemon Essential Oil

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In this video, I want to show you a few simple, fun ways to use Lemon essential oil (Citrus limon).

I love Lemon essential oil! It has such a bright, friendly aroma, and so many uses around the house and in blends. Lemon essential oil is great in natural cleaning products, and it makes the room you’ve cleaned in smell so beautiful!

1. (0:45) One of my favorite ways to use Lemon essential oil is in a diffuser. I do this a lot! My diffuser is lightweight and portable, so I can easily move it from room to room. All you have to do is add about 10 drops of essential oil to the water in your diffuser, and within minutes the room will smell like lovely lemons!

2. (1:42) Another way to use Lemon essential oil is to clean your kitchen sponge. I am a bit “obsessed” with keeping my kitchen sponges clean. (My friends sometimes tease me about it!) Lemon essential oil is an excellent natural cleaner, reducing germs and supporting your body’s immunity at the same time. To use it to clean my kitchen sponge, I first wash the sponge in hot soapy water, then I add a single drop of Lemon essential oil to each side of the sponge. That’s it!

3. (2:31) And the third way to use Lemon essential oil is to clean your cutting boards. First I wash my cutting board in hot, soapy water, then I put 2 drops of Lemon essential oil onto the surface. I use a paper towel to rub the essential oil all over the surface of the cutting board. (And there’s a bonus! When I toss the paper towel in the trash, it makes the trash smell fresh and clean.)

Do you have any favorite ways to use Lemon essential oil that I haven’t mentioned here? I would love to know about them - let me know in the comments below :)


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