Barbra Streisand’s Guide to Being Bold

Описание к видео Barbra Streisand’s Guide to Being Bold

“A woman with opinions often gets into trouble.”
— Barbra Streisand

UCLA Anderson’s Women’s Business Connection (WBC) presents Barbra Streisand with the 2019 Velocity Award ( in recognition of her extraordinary achievements as an artist and philanthropist dedicated to raising awareness of many of the most pressing issues of our day.

Streisand is the first recipient of this award, presented at UCLA Anderson’s 7th annual Velocity women’s summit, which this year brought together more than 600 dynamic female business leaders, UCLA Anderson faculty, current MBA students and alumni. The day-long event celebrated women’s leadership and success, and explored how women develop momentum in their careers and proactively address challenges. This year’s sold out conference was held at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles.

The multi-talented star observed, “During the midterms, my friend Nancy Pelosi was demonized. But as she has shown, you don't give up. It's what you do with your voice and your opinions that matters. I'm gratified that more and more women are rooting for each other's success these days, thinking of themselves as part of a sisterhood and recognizing our common goals. We're much more powerful when we stick together and support each other. The world needs more women in positions of power. Women are nurturers, just by our physiology. We come from the heart, and our instinct for love and compassion is something that this chaotic world needs now, more than ever. Women have a unique vision of our future and we need it not just in business but also for the sake of the planet... and our health.

” Nothing's easy! But... nothing's impossible, and that became the tagline on my Yentl poster. When one door closes, another opens, so you just have to keep going until you find the right door. Directing was actually the easy part. And I discovered something... when you have power, it's very humbling. And you have a responsibility to use it with restraint. I tried to create an atmosphere on the set where everyone would feel empowered... free to have opinions. I think people do their best work when they feel respected and know that their voices are heard.”

“We are so proud to recognize Ms. Streisand with our inaugural award,” said WBC vice president Julie Ortega (’19), who presented the honor. “She is such a phenomenal inspiration to women, excelling in every possible way professionally, pushing herself to be the very best at all she undertakes, then giving back so generously — not only financially, but with her time and many talents. The theme of our conference this year is Be Bold. Ms. Streisand is the perfect role model in that spirit: courageous, confident and committed to speaking out on issues important to her.”

Ms. Streisand closed her speech with a ringing challenge: “So where do we go from here? The hill is steeper for us than it is for men. It's even steeper for women of color. The challenges are real, and so are the barriers. We can't control the external obstacles, but we can control our own achievements and preserve our own dignity. So, don't wait decades to believe in yourself. Don't be afraid to use your voice to ask for what you want and question those who say "no." Be bold... Don't be afraid to express your opinions. And don't be afraid to be afraid... it's natural. I often experience it myself. But always keep your mind open. Be generous of heart and spirit... And don't apologize for any of it. Good luck, have fun, and thank you!”

Learn more about Velocity, the UCLA Anderson Women’s Leadership Summit:

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