Arctic Sense Expedition with Andreas B. Heide

Описание к видео Arctic Sense Expedition with Andreas B. Heide

Join us for a recap of the Arctic Sense Expedition with captain and expedition leader Andreas B. Heide. In June of 2023, the 37 foot sailing vessel Barba set sail from Norways for the Arctic sea ice, with a goal of collecting important information about our changing planet. In total, they will covered over 2,000 nautical miles on this expedition, exploring the sea ice around Arctic Svalbard. They used a variety of tools including drones and underwater cameras to film wildlife like orcas, walrus and humpback whales. When they were along the coast of Norway, they explored remote fjords and encountered sperm whales and pods of pilot whales. They used a state of the art remote operated vehicle (ROV) named Leonard, they are diving beneath the Arctic ice to unveil the mysterious world under the ice and on the ocean floor. Over several months, they braved dangerous conditions to document the realities of climate change in Svalbard, the wildlife, conduct scientific research and communicate their findings to the public through media.


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