Ukraine’s Kursk incursion shows Russia’s weakness | DW News

Описание к видео Ukraine’s Kursk incursion shows Russia’s weakness | DW News

The Kremlin says a state of emergency is in effect in Russia's southwest Kursk region -- where, for the past three days, Ukrainian forces have carried out one of the biggest cross-border incursions since the war began. Moscow says at least one thousand Ukrainian troops entered Russian territory on Tuesday. Russian forces have reportedly blocked them from advancing deeper. Officials in Kursk say around THREE-thousand civilians have been evacuated. Ukraine has NOT confirmed it launched the cross-border attack. We spoke to DW Correspondents Nick Connolly in Kyiv and Janina Semenova in Riga – and to Ivana Stradner, a Research Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington.

00:00 Intro and Report
02:48 Interview with Nick Connolly and Janina Semenova
07:35 Interview with Ivana Stradner, Foundation for Defense of Democracies

#ukrainerussiawar #russia #kursk


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