How to Clear DNS Cache in Google Chrome on Windows 10?

Описание к видео How to Clear DNS Cache in Google Chrome on Windows 10?

How to Clear DNS Cache in Google Chrome on Windows 10?

Step 1: Open Google Chrome.

Step 2: Open this link:-


Step 3: Click on 'Clear Host cache.'

Step 4: Click on 'Sockets' in left menu. After that, click on 'Close idle sockets,' and then click on 'Flush socket pools.'

Note: You can use this link chrome://net-internals/#sockets to directly open sockets screen.

Step 5: Clear cache in Google Chrome, follow the video tutorial above.

Step 6: (Optional)Flush DNS Resolver cache on windows 10

i) Open Command prompt as an Administrator. After that, Type the below command, and then hit enter.

ipconfig /flushdns

It's done.

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