How to get a job without experience? TOP-7 Neuromarketing advice for a job interview

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"What doI have to say to make recruiters love me?"😰

Hmmmm. What if I tell you that you do not need to make them love you anymore? There is a new strategy, based on putting you into stronger position in communication which leads toy to get hired easily, even without experience.

I've hired more than 30 employees / contractors (for my neuromarketing agency), so I found out what are the key factors managers look at while hiring.

Recently, I've checked how great my"hiring formula" works and "voila"!'
I've got a job in 1 of the best real estate agencies in Barcelona with no experince.

Watch the video to find out 7 steps of hiring formula + real-life examples👆🏻

My Insta:

My marketing agency Insta:

P.S. Your comments make me happy🐣

#dreamjobs #howtogetajob #jobinterviewtips


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