Service Matters Supreme Court's 20 Case Laws

Описание к видео Service Matters Supreme Court's 20 Case Laws

How to Search Good Advocate in the Supreme Court of India
Link :    / w1nj8kuhti  

SLP Admission in the Supreme Court.
Link :    • SLP Admission in the  Supreme Court. ...  

Physical Hearing VS Virtual Hearing in the Supreme Court
   • Physical Hearing VS Virtual Hearing i...  

This is special video in Law Series for Supreme Court & all subordinate courts. Litigants, New Lawyers of the Supreme Court, High Court Lawyers, District and Session Court Lawyers, Lower Courts Lawyers, Law School Professors, Law School Students, Professionals, Businessmen etc shall see this series.

Jayprakash Bansilal Somani
MBA (Foreign Trade), LL. B.
Advocate from 1989
Supreme Court of India, New Delhi
Insolvency Professional
Qualified Independent Director
Motivational Speaker
Cell 8459194576, 9322188701
Email [email protected]

Delhi Office
Jayprakash Somani Advocates & Solicitors
Law Firm for Supreme Court of India
B-851, 1st Floor, Shivaji Marg, New Ashok Nagar, Delhi 110096.
Call 9322188701, 8459194576

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