
Описание к видео 【絲瓜豆腐海魚湯】🐟🥣始終都係最好🐟🔴令到皮膚柔潤🔴營養最易吸收🔴小朋友🧒老人家🧓🧑‍🦳婦女💃唔飲就笨👈只做簡單步驟🤝您就飲到💪好過食補品👍真正海魚🐟出街飲吾到🍲鮮甜無比😋經濟實際💯🍲

Fish soup is nutritious. It can help skin to be soft. It is good to children, elderly, and even women. Just follow the steps, you can do it too

Golden threadfin bream soup with luffa and tofu

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


1. 紅衫魚,打鱗,清除內臟,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。
2. 豆腐,清水洗乾淨,切開一舊舊。
3. 薑,去皮,打直1開2,拍鬆。

1. 大火在鑊中燒熱油1湯匙。
2. 放豆腐落鑊煎香。
3. 另一邊,大火煲滾1鑊水。
4. 豆腐,一面已煎至金黃色,反轉繼續煎。
5. 豆腐,兩面都已煎至金黃色,放上碟。
6. 薑,放鑊內爆香,加入魚,煎香。
7. 魚,兩面都已煎至金黃色的時候,轉大火,加入大滾水,大火滾起,轉中慢火,冚蓋滾15-20分鐘。
8. 勝瓜,刨去硬的皮,切兩端,打橫切1吋一舊。
9. 魚湯已滾了15分鐘,轉最大火滾起,過濾到另一邊鑊。
10. 加入豆腐及勝瓜在魚湯內,大火滾起。
11. 完成,倒入大碗內。
12. 可享用。

Golden threadfin bream soup with luffa and tofu

Golden threadfin bream 1.5 catty
Luffa 1 log (about 1 catty)
Tofu 2 cubes
Ginger 1 No.

1. The fish, get it scaled. Remove intestines. Rinse thoroughly. Drain.
2. Tofu, get it rinsed. Dice in cubes.
3. Ginger, get it peeled. Divide it into 2 shares. Beat well.

1. Heat up 1 tbsp of oil at high flame in wok.
2. Put tofu in wok, fry well.
3. On the other side, heat up a wok of water at high flame.
4. The tofu, one side has been fried into golden yellow, flip over and continue frying.
5. Tofu, both sides have been fried into golden yellow, put on a plate.
6. Put ginger and fish, fry well.
7. The fish, both sides have been fried into golden yellow, turn to high flame, add in boiled~up water, heat it up. Turn to medium~low flame and boil for 15-20 minutes.
8. Luffa, peel off the rough skins, cut both ends. Cut 1" per each horizontally.
9. Fish soup has been boiled for 15 minutes, heat up at high flame. Filter it into the another wok.
10. Add in tofu and luffa into the soup. Heat it up at high flame.
11. Complete. Pour the soup into a big bowl.
12. Serve.

   • 魚湯(系列)🐟🥣6🔴  

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