Wild Anglesey: A Photography Journey Through my lens

Описание к видео Wild Anglesey: A Photography Journey Through my lens

A spur of the moment decision saw me take a trip to Anglesey in North Wales, after a quick search on the Internet I managed to book a campsite for a couple of nights, nothing posh just as long as I could have a shower I would be happy.

I Drove down on Wednesday evening and got there at about 5:00 PM with a few hours of daylight left I decided to venture to the North Stack area which was the main place where all the sea birds would be, and within just half an hour I'd already seen a couple of puffins, guillemots razorbills, lesser black-backed gulls, and herring gulls not bad for just a few hours.
As it happened the BBC Springwatch team we're here doing the finale of their Springwatch season series on the BBC.

Anyway, up early and out the following morning I headed back to the north stack lighthouse area to photograph the birds, however, I think I was a little too early as the entire cliffside was in the shade so I decided to head off up onto the tops to photograph the stonechats and any other wildlife I could find.

I eventually headed back towards the last house where I managed to photograph some more puffins I'm get up close to photograph a few seagull chicks.

On the final day I decided to take a trip to puffin island on one of the boat tours not bad for just £18 for an hours trip, well we got to see some more puffins, guillemots, razorbills and seals

A fantastic wildlife photography trip to Anglesey in Wales and highly recommended as a great place to visit


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