Была Державная Россія (Once there was a Sovereign Russia) - Monarchist White Russian Song

Описание к видео Была Державная Россія (Once there was a Sovereign Russia) - Monarchist White Russian Song

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Pro Monarchist poem written by Vladimir Bekhterev in 1917, the poem talks about Russia been doomed after the fall of the Tsar Nicholas II

Lyrics in Cyrillic:

Была Державная Россія;
Была великая страна
Съ народомъ, мощнымъ, какъ стихія,
Непобѣдимымъ, какъ волна.
Но, подъ напоромъ черни дикой,
Предъ ложнымъ призракомъ "свободъ",
Не стало Родины великой
Распался скованный народъ.
Да будутъ прокляты потомствомъ
Сыны, ​дерзнувшіе​ предать
Съ такимъ преступнымъ вѣроломствомъ
Свою безпомощную Мать!

Въ клочки разорвана порфира,
Растоптанъ царственный вѣнецъ,
И смотрятъ ​всѣ​ державы ​міра​,
О, Русь, на жалкій твой конецъ!
Когда-то властная Царица,
Гроза и страхъ своихъ враговъ,
Теперь ты жалкая блудница,
Раба, прислужница рабовъ!
Да будутъ прокляты потомствомъ
Сыны, ​дерзнувшіе​ предать
Съ такимъ преступнымъ вѣроломствомъ
Свою безпомощную Мать!

Въ убогомъ ​рубищѣ​, нагая,
Моля о хлѣбѣ предъ толпой,
Стоишь ты, наша Мать родная,
Въ углу съ протянутой рукой.
И въ дни народной деспотіи
Въ бродягѣ нищенкѣ простой
Никто не узнаетъ Россіи
И не считается съ тобой.
Да будутъ прокляты потомствомъ
Сыны, ​дерзнувшіе​ предать
Съ такимъ преступнымъ вѣроломствомъ
Свою безпомощную Мать!

Свою безпомощную Мать...

Romanized Lyrics:

Byla Derzhavnaja Rossija;
Byla velikaja strana
S narodom, moschnym, kak stikhija,
Nepobedimym, kak volna.
No, pod naporom cherni dikoj,
Pred lozhnym prizrakom “svobod”,
Ne stalo Rodiny velikoj
Raspalsya skovannyj narod.
Da budut proklyaty potomstvom
Syny, Derznuvshije predat’
S takim prestupnym verolomstvom
Svoju bezpomoschnuju Mat’!

V klochki razornava porfira,
Rastoptan tsarstvennyj venets,
I smotryat vse derzhavy mira,
O, Rus’, na zhalkij tvoj konets”!
Kogda-to vlastnaja Tsaritsa,
Groza i strakh svoikh vragov,
Teper’ty zhalkaja bludnitsa,
Raba, prisluzhnitsa rabov!
Da budut proklyaty potomstvom
Syny, Derznuvshije predat’
S takim prestupnym verolomstvom
Svoju bezpomoschnuju Mat’!

V ubogom rubische, nagaja,
Molya o khlebe pred tolpoj,
Stoish’ty, nasha Mat’ rodnaja,
V uglu s protyanutoj rukoj
I v dni narodnoj despotii,
V brodyage nischenke prostoj
Nikto ne uznajot Rossi
I ne schitajetsya s toboj.
Da budut proklyaty potomstvom
Syny, Derznuvshije predat’
S takim prestupnym verolomstvom
Svoju bezpomoschnuju Mat’!

Svoju bezpomoschnuju Mat’...

Lyrics in English:

Once there was a sovereign Russia;
A great country
With the people strong as a force of nature,
Invincible as a tidal wave.
Bud under the pressure of the wild rabble,
In the face of the false ghost of “liberties”,
Greater Motherland is gone
The bound people fell apart.
May be cursed by the progeny
The sons who dared to bettray
With such a felonous perfidy
Their helpless Mother!

The purple mantle is torn to shreds,
The royal crown is trampled,
And all the powers of the world are looking
At your pitiful end, oh Russia!
Once a powerful Czarina,
Terror and fear for the enemies,
Now you are a miserable fornicatress,
A bondmaid, a servant of the slaves!
May be cursed by the progeny
The sons who dared to bettray
With such a felonous perfidy
Their helpless Mother!

In a wretched rag, naked,
Begging for bread before the crowd,
You are standing, our dear Mother,
In the corner with an outstretched hand.
And in the days of plebeian despotism
Nobody recognizes Russia
In a tramp, a simple beggar
And nobody counts you for anything.
May be cursed by the progeny
The sons who dared to bettray
With such a felonous perfidy
Their helpless Mother!

Their helpless Mother…


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