How To Do A Lip Trill (Lip Bubbles) - Part 2 - Learn to sing

Описание к видео How To Do A Lip Trill (Lip Bubbles) - Part 2 - Learn to sing

How to do a lip trill - Part 2

Hi I'm Dylan and this is video two of how to do a lip trill, if you haven't watched video one yet then here is the link:

How to do a Lip trill - Part 1
   • How to do a lip trill (also known as ...  
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Always try to blend your break from the top register (you may know this as head voice or falsetto register) down like I do in the video. This will help you to stop reaching for those higher notes.

Do this daily as slowly as you can, as this will not only get all the pitches but allow your vocal folds to zip up easily for the high notes.

Be patient and use good technique and your voice will respond quickly.

I hope that you found these two videos really helpful. If you have any comments then I would love to hear from you, it would also be cool if you would like to subscribe or like these videos.



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