Описание к видео ROBAM NESAT (FISHING DANCE)_របាំនេសាទ

Robam Nesat by Khemarak Dance Troupe, see the following description from
14. Robam Nesat (Fishing Dance) This lively folk dance depicts the daily life of Khmer farmers and fishermen, who dance with traditional bamboo fish­ing equipment such as the ang rut (a braided bell-like bamboo trap), and chneang, trou, lop (braided bamboo baskets). Traditionally, fishing quarters often served as a meeting place far young couples. A charming courting scene ends the piece with playful teasing among the young men and women, making this dance very popular among audiences today.

The dance was choreographed in 1967 by Mr. Vann Sun Heng, and supervised by Prof. Chheng Phon. It was performed from 1967 until 1975, and has been revived since 1979.
From Khemarak Studio Khmer Folk Dance DVD 2004 Chapter 06


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