牛肉饺子要想好吃,学会调馅是关键,鲜嫩又多汁,比饭店的好吃多了Chinese cuisine beef dumplings

Описание к видео 牛肉饺子要想好吃,学会调馅是关键,鲜嫩又多汁,比饭店的好吃多了Chinese cuisine beef dumplings

#美味小舍 今天给大家分享一个牛肉大葱馅的饺子做法,包括和面、擀饺子皮的方法。饺子好吃调馅是关键,做法非常的简单。饺子馅、饭店、酒店。Today I will share with you a recipe for dumplings stuffed with beef and green onions, including the methods of making noodles and rolling the dumpling wrappers. Dumplings are delicious and the filling is the key. The method is very simple. Dumpling filling, restaurants, hotels


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