[Sensor Modules | Security]VOC Digital Sensor BM25S3421-1

Описание к видео [Sensor Modules | Security]VOC Digital Sensor BM25S3421-1

📌VOC Digital Sensor BM25S3421-1

💻More Information: https://www.bestmodulescorp.com/en/se...

00:00 00:14 Demo Operation
00:15 00:26 VOC Digital Sensor BM25S3421-1
00:27 00:53 Product Features
00:54 01:05 Pin Description
01:06 01:11 Required Materials
01:12 01:35 Getting Started
01:36 01:45 Getting Started -Installation
01:46 02:00 Getting Started -Arduino library
02:01 02:17 Demo Operation-Warm-up time
02:18 02:52 Demo Operation- VOC detection
02:53 03:02 www.BestModulesCorp.com

BM25S3421-1 is a MEMS type VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) sensor that is used to detect concentrations of ethanol, formaldehyde and toluene. The product provides two output modes: STATUS and UART. You can read the alarm status through STATUS pin or UART interface.

There are four levels to range VOC concentration from 1 to 4 (low to high).
The current concentration level, AD value, and alarm status can be outputted via UART interface every second. You can also monitor the STATUS pin to determine whether the alarm has been triggered. The voltage level turns high when alarming.

Configure alarm threshold and exit alarm condition
You can use commands to configure the alarm level and alarm exit level.

Alarm (default: level 3): when the product detects that the VOC concentration in the environment has reached the alarm level for more than 3 seconds, the alarm will be triggered.
Exit alarm level (default: level 1): when the product detects that the VOC concentration in the environment has reached the alarm exit level for more than 3 seconds, it exits alarm condition.
⬥ Refer to 'UART Communication Instruction Set Summary' chapter in the datasheet for more details.

To determine the concentration level corresponding to the alarm threshold
1. Place the product in the environment with the VOC concentration that you desire for alarming.
2. Read the concentration level via UART interface.
3. And then configure this level as the alarm level.

For example, if you desire to trigger the alarm at a 7ppm VOC concentration, place the product in an environment with a 7ppm concentration. Read the output concentration of 7ppm as level 3 via UART interface, and then configure level 3 as the alarm level.

◆Sensor type: MEMS
◆Operating voltage: 3V~5V
◆Operating current: 18mA @3.3V
◆Detect VOC concentration (ethanol, formaldehyde, and toluene)
◆Detection range: 0~10ppm
→Concentration level: 1~4 (default alarm level: 3)
◆Output mode: UART (baud rate: 9600bps) / STATUS
◆Factory calibration
◆Warm-up time: 180 seconds (default)
◆Dimension: 24 x 20 x 20 mm
◆Net weight: 7.8g

🏢 Best modules corp.
🔗NO. 3, Creation Rd. II, Science Park, Hsinchu 30077, Taiwan
🤝[email protected]

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