What Is Light Pollution And How Does It Hurt Our Planet?

Описание к видео What Is Light Pollution And How Does It Hurt Our Planet?

Episode 1 of 5

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Obtrusive, excessive or misdirected artificial light (ie: light pollution) is known to disrupt ecosystems and plant and animal physiology. But how harmful is it really?

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The Emergence And Reemergence Of Dinosaurs:    • Who Discovered The First Dinosaur?  

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Thomas Edison Lightbulb:

“Historians agree that Thomas Edison was not the inventor of the electric light bulb, but he did produce the first commercially viable one."

The History Of The Light Bulb:

“More than 150 years ago, inventors began working on a bright idea that would have a dramatic impact on how we use energy in our homes and offices. This invention changed the way we design buildings, increased the length of the average workday and jumpstarted new businesses."

What Is Light Pollution?:

“A little more than 100 years ago, you could walk outside at night even in a city and see the Milky Way galaxy arch across the night sky. Being able to see thousands of stars was part of everyday life, inspiring artists like Van Gogh or musical composers like Holst or writers like Shakespeare."

Light Pollution Taking Toll On Wildlife:

“Light pollution—the luminous orange glow that haloes cities and suburbs—threatens wildlife by disrupting biological rhythms and otherwise interfering with the behavior of nocturnal animals, new research shows."

The Effects Of Artificial Light On Human:

“There seems to be an increasing number of studies suggesting that artificial light has adverse effects on human health. While animals have been shown to be disturbed by artificial light at night, its effects on humans, it is argued, range from discomfort and glare to sleep deprivation and cancer."

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