How to automate shiplap joints between precast wall panels in Revit

Описание к видео How to automate shiplap joints between precast wall panels in Revit

A client question came in about how to use our Precast Concrete solution for Revit to model different types of wall joints, specifically shiplaps. Here's how.
1️⃣ Draw a wall and some levels.
2️⃣ Split horizontally by using levels.
3️⃣ Select walls, starting from Level 2, and add bottom offset value to make them overlap.
4️⃣ Cut them with a line-based family to get the right shape.
5️⃣ Create a void with the required shape.
6️⃣ Lock ends to reference planes, tick ON the ‘Cut with Voids When Loaded’ parameter, Save, and Load.
7️⃣ Insert family on all walls simultaneously using Smart Connections.
8️⃣ Select all walls and insert cuts to get the shape of shiplap joint on all walls.

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Agacad Revit tool: Precast Concrete
► BIM software that streamlines your 3D design process by automating the modeling, detailing, and documentation stages. Efficiently model floor slabs, wall panels, beams and columns, and then insert connection details by the batch-load and place #reinforcement. All your #shopdrawings are automatically generated from the 3D model. Need to make changes? Just run full-project, real-time updates in Revit.


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