The teenage engineering OB-4 update I was waiting for 🔥🙋🏾‍♂️

Описание к видео The teenage engineering OB-4 update I was waiting for 🔥🙋🏾‍♂️

In this video, Khordmaster demonstrates and discusses the latest update for the OB-4 Speaker by teenage engineering. He explores the process of saving loops on the OB-4 and walks through the new update that allows for loop tweaking. Khordmaster also compares the loop length adjustment feature on the original firmware and the updated firmware. The video showcases the use of a different OB-4 speaker, highlighting the ability to save loops and pitch shift on the updated firmware. Additionally, Khordmaster shares a real-time discovery regarding loop length adjustment and explores loop skipping and speed adjustment. The video concludes with Khordmaster expressing excitement for future updates and features.


The OB-4 Speaker by teenage engineering has received a new update that introduces loop tweaking features.
To save loops on the OB-4, press and hold the loop buttons while the loop is playing and release when prompted to save.
The original firmware of the OB-4 allows for changing the length of saved loops, while the updated firmware enables pitch shifting.
The updated firmware allows for saving loops, pitch shifting, and adjusting loop length, providing more creative possibilities for music production.


00:00 Introduction and Update Overview
01:01 Saving Loops on the OB-4 Speaker
03:20 Changing Loop Length on the Original Firmware
04:00 Using a Different OB-4 Speaker
05:48 Saving Loops and Pitch Shifting on the Updated Firmware
07:24 Real-Time Discovery: Loop Length Adjustment
09:01 Exploring Loop Skipping and Speed Adjustment
09:19 Conclusion and Future Expectations



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