Polyglots’ attitudes to accent and pronunciation - Mateusz Pietraszek | PG 2023

Описание к видео Polyglots’ attitudes to accent and pronunciation - Mateusz Pietraszek | PG 2023

A lot of research on motivation and attitudes has been conducted to date amongst learners of second languages but studies on polyglottery are fairly scarce. After last year’s Polyglot Gathering, I designed and carried out a survey on polyglots’ motivation, goals and attitudes in the process of acquiring the pronunciation of their target language(s). The response of the community was very positive. In this talk, the original data gathered in the survey will be presented for the first time. But the presentation won’t only examine pronunciation goals and attitudes among language learning enthusiasts. We will also compare polyglot attitudes towards pronunciation acquisition with those of other language learners enrolled on institutional courses and see any whether there are differences between polyglots and non-polyglots. In doing so, we will discuss and reflect on issues related to polyglot identity, accented speech and native-like phonological proficiency.

Mateusz Pietraszek holds a PhD in English Linguistics, a BA+MA in Spanish Studies and an MA in Spanish Linguistics and specialises in second language phonology, which became his passion in secondary school alongside syntax and historical linguistics. He has taught Spanish and English and works as a lecturer of English and English Phonetics at UFV in Madrid, where he’s spent the last 15 years of his life. An avid learner, his languages include, Polish (native), English (C2), Spanish (C2), French (C1), Catalan (C1), German (C1), and Esperanto (B1) with smatterings of Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Basque. Website: promateo.com

This video was recorded at the Polyglot Gathering 2023 (https://www.polyglotgathering.com).


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