তুমি না এলে। Lyrical song

Описание к видео তুমি না এলে। Lyrical song

#তুমি না এলে
#Copy Unlimited

Song Credits⬇️

Song: তুমি না এলে

Singer:Shehenab Rahat

Tune : Shehenab Rahat

Lyrics : Shehenab Rahat

Music composer : Eemce Mihad

Lyrical video : Tawhidul islam ( Tawhid's review)

Thumbnail : Abdul kader Tuhin

Original song➡️   • Видео  
Copyright Isues⬇️
If you think any of our videos have used of your copyright content (Tune, Music,Thumbnail, etc)on our video. Then please contact with us.We will delete our video. Please do not copyright Strike The Video. Please Massage Us.


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