Why Are There So Many Nazis in Norse Paganism?

Описание к видео Why Are There So Many Nazis in Norse Paganism?

Apologies for any audio issues -- I recorded this as a screenshare on my laptop, so I don't have my normal mic setup. Hopefully it's still okay!

The Way of Fire and Ice by Ryan Smith
NatGeo on Viking DNA: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/hi...
The Welsh Viking on “Viking DNA”:    • You Do Not Have Viking DNA  
BBC on the influence of Islam in Norse culture: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe...
The Cross Section on the Norse-Nazi connection: https://crosssection.gns.wisc.edu/201...
“The Vikings and Romantic Nationalism” by the Welsh Viking:    • The Vikings and White Supremacy  
“About” Circle Ansuz blog: https://circleansuz.wordpress.com/about/
“Inclusion and Diversity” on the Forn Sidr website: https://fornsidrofamerica.org/inclusi...
Thor Hates Racists: https://thor-hates-racists.creator-sp...

I HIGHLY recommend ‪@TheWelshViking‬'s videos on this subject! Not a pagan source, but an excellent one nonetheless.


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