Mexted Sports Turf's SISGrass Universal Stitching Machine

Описание к видео Mexted Sports Turf's SISGrass Universal Stitching Machine

Cam Mexted and Matt Waldin talk about stitching cricket wickets at Hutt Rec, using our SISGrass Universal Stitching machine.
This technology has lots of benefits, adding durability to sports surfaces and high wear areas.
This proven European stitching technology, used in high-end venues around the world, increases playing hours by making surfaces much stronger and more resilient. The surface can be used for sport immediately following stitching.
As well as cricket wickets, we stitch soccer and rugby fields - both full fields or goal mouths etc, and high wear areas on golf courses, e.g. tee boxes and cart accessways.
The stitches are made of soft polyethylene fibres, matching the surface in beige or green.
#SISGrass #sportsturf #golf #soccer #rugby #cricket #Mexteds


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