Venus’s Transit Into Libra - AstroVed

Описание к видео Venus’s Transit Into Libra - AstroVed

When Venus enters the Zodiac sign of Libra, he is entering a sign that Venus rules. This means Venus will feel comfortable and will be in a good dignity while travelling through Libra.

Libra is called Thula in Sanskrit. Libra is symbolized as a man in a bazaar with a balance scale in his hand.

A bazaar is a commerical environment. Venus is the planet that helps us evaluate what things are worth to us in terms of our time, our money and our energy. If we are making careless decisions in any of those areas, we may need to improve our heart connection with Venus. During the time Venus is in Libra is a good time to ask Venus to help us make wiser decisions about how we spend our time, our money and our energy.

According to Dr. Pillai:

“Your consciousness is your best asset.” ~ Dr. Pillai

One of the Sanskrit names of Venus is Shukra which means bright. These are simple quantum sounds for Venus to bless us with a brighter consciousness and more lucidity with our conscious desires:

Om Shukraya Namaha

The balance scales of Libra are the kind used in the marketplace to weigh and measure fair and equal value. The activities of trade and mercantile transactions require peace and harmonious day to day co-existence with others. We can ask Venus to grant us ability to be more savvy with our business affairs.

Among the planets, Venus is considered a diplomat interested to negotiate win-win agreements. While Venus is in Libra, we can request Venus to help us develop more skill in creating and maintaining mutually beneficial agreements with others.

In Vedic mythology, the father of Venus is said to be a famous enlightened sage, Maharishi Brighu. Brighu has a great reputation for his performance of fire ceremonies and for his wisdom as a teacher of astrology. Brighu taught his son Venus many things, including the sounds to bring the dead back to life. So Venus is regarded as a healer, and among the planets, Venus is considered the nurse.

Venus is the planet who can grant love of harmony and fair play, cooperative outlook and careful consideration of pro’s and con’s. Venus can bless us with appreciation of beauty and enjoyment and participation in all forms of the arts including music, dance, film, painting, theater and all creative expression.

Venus is depicted with a masculine form as a teacher and counselor belonging to the Bhargava clan, a clan of sages and warriors. Like the Moon, he is energetically a planet of femininity.

Venus has agenda in the areas of love, romance, relationships and all social skills and sensual pleasures. He is the planet who can help with material comforts of all kinds including good home, nice clothes and excellent transportation and vehicles. While Venus is in Libra is a good time to ask for blessings in these areas as well as pray for calm and harmony in our domestic life and workplace.

Venus is a planet who helps us benefit from practical advice and from predictions of common sense as well as receptivity to suggestions from astrology consultations.

Venus is ruled by Lakshmi, Goddess of beauty, grace, purity and abundance. While Venus is in Libra, it is a favorable time to chant sounds for wealth associated with Lakshmi:

Venus rules all seeds and grains, and while Venus is in Libra this can be a good time for those working on projects to protect genetic material of organic seeds.

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