How Will Turkey Allow Sweden And Finland Join NATO?

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Polit Affairs - In recent days a huge political and security change is happening in Europe as a result of the Ukraine war, Sweden and Finland as 2 very important Nordic countries applied to join NATO, but there is an obstacle on the way, Turkey

US and NATO did everything to justify Sweden and Finland to put there traditional neutrality aside and join NATO against Russia. This has provided a historical chance for Turkey and Erdogan who always gets the most out of his bargaining cards.

Turkey which is the only Muslim country and one the most important members of NATO has announced that it won't ratify membership of Sweden and Finland.

This way, Erdogan on one hand shows Putin that he is not totally against Russia in the western front (because relations with Russia is very profitable for Ankara, and on the other hand He wants to get concessions and new privilege from NATO and US.

Turkey has already announced it's conditions for approving new members in NATO. according to Bloomberg, Turkey wants Sweden to to label Kurdish P.K.K movement as a Terrorist group (which considering big Kurdish diaspora in Sweden is a complicated request، also wants US to cancel sanctions against Turkey for buying Russian S-400 defense system and to get Turkey back to the mutual production of the F-35 fighters. and also expects to receive more F-16 fighters from US. so Turkey's requests is more for US, than those other countries.

how ever some NATO and European officials have threatened Turkey for not letting new members in the security alliance, though for Sweden and Finland time is very important and these conditions may cause more delay in the process.

Turkey though I Think will eventually approve this process, maybe not by getting what he wants, but to receive new economic and political privileges from US and European countries. this is what we have already seen from Ankara. though, Russia is watching closely and Turkey's final decision, could have negative impact on it's relations with Moscow.

*, CC BY 3.0
*Vitaly V. Kuzmin, CC BY-SA 4.0
*Defensie, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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