Behaviour Change: Why Health and Fitness Change is SO Hard

Описание к видео Behaviour Change: Why Health and Fitness Change is SO Hard

When it comes to health, fitness, and nutrition, why do so many people struggle? In this video, Dr. John Berardi explains the biggest challenges. He also shares what you can do to make things easier, for yourself (or your clients/patients).

Telling clients what to do doesn’t work.
There’s a far better way. It starts with a simple question, and it ends with a plan that doesn’t just help clients thrive—it almost guarantees they will.

So much so, we can tell you straight-faced: This method could change the way you coach forever. (It did for us.)

So how do you talk to clients to help them make transformative change?
Tip #1 - Coach the elephant, not the rider. Don't try to reason with the rational part of your client, but rather recognize the role the emotional side of their brain plays in their decision making. Once they feel safe and secure, trust and comfort, then you can work on the rational side of the brain.

Tip #2 - Introduce ONE new habit at a time. Forget an 'overhaul mindset'. The more clients try to change all at once, the more overwhelmed they become. Implementing small, strategic habits, one at a time, is more effective. Transformation is more likely to be deep, real, and sustained.

Tip # 3 - Make conversations a 'two-way street'. Convincing clients that what they are doing is wrong, will make them less likely to do it. Approach all client sessions with a spirit of collaboration. The more they feel a sense of choice and control, the better your coaching relationship will be, and the better results you will get.

Tip # 4 - Take responsibility for what you tell your clients, and what they do with it. The best coaches in the world know it's their job to know the right information and help their clients put it into practice. Give good advice and make your clients want to follow it.

With these few essential skills, you can turn your coaching results around.
Learn more about the #1 recommended nutrition certification in the world:


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