Gemini Full Moon 2024- Opening to a World of New Possibilities

Описание к видео Gemini Full Moon 2024- Opening to a World of New Possibilities

Join Sibyl as she shares the astrology of the Gemini Full Moon on Dec 15th which is asking us to open to new ideas and potential. As the old paradigm is collapsing, a world of new possibilities awaits us at the edge of our belief systems. The Sun is in alignment with the Galactic Center which is showering us with Divine transmissions and Divine Love helping us remember our own Divinity.
Mars in Leo is retrograde and continuing to dance with Pluto in an opposition which may bring challenges of aligning our personal will with Divine Will which is our soul plan. The retrograde motion allows us to connect more deeply with our inner flame and what makes us come alive. Mercury is stationary in Sagittarius focusing on a new vision which the Jupiter/Saturn square will help us manifest.

Contact Rev. Sibyl Star for a limited time for an astrology session with a 15% discount at [email protected] or go to my website as my discount button will soon be up and running.
See what guidance the stars have for you in the new year!

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Star Nation Oracle & Sibyl Star
YouTube: Sibyl Star
Based in California, USA

#astrology #metaphysics #spirituality #GeminiFullMoon #Mars/Pluto #GalacticCenter
Astrology, Metaphysics, Spirituality, Gemini Full Moon, Mars/Pluto, Galactic Center, Jupiter, Saturn

Time Stamp
00:00 Introduction and Astrology Chart
04:49 Full Moon in Gemini- Gemini/Sagittarius axis, Gemini Archetype
10:54 Sabian Symbol
11:40 Neptune in Pisces square Full Moon
14:37 Galactic Center
16:47 Sun in Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus in Taurus
18:48 Fixed Stars at Full Moon- Belt Star of Orion and Orion Nebula conjunct Moon in Gemini,
Sun conjunct Rasalhague in Ophiucus (13th constellation)
23:25 Jupiter/Saturn square
29:00 Mercury in Sagittarius Stationary
31:26 Mars in Leo retrograde
35:10 Pluto in Aquarius opposite Mars
44:28 Grand Fire Trine with Mars/Mercury/N. Node/Part of Fortune
45:00 Conclusion


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