What Are Harmful Algal Blooms?

Описание к видео What Are Harmful Algal Blooms?

Ohio Sea Grant is discussing harmful algal blooms and their impact on Lake Erie as part of an ongoing video series. In this video, we cover what harmful algal blooms are, what makes them harmful, when they typically occur, their impact throughout the lake and what you should know to be aware of a bloom. This project was partially funded by a Great Lakes HABs Collaboratory grant.

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About Ohio Sea Grant & Stone Laboratory:

Ohio Sea Grant combines research, education and outreach efforts, as well as partnerships with academia, governmental agencies and the private sector, to work with the Lake Erie community to solve the region’s most important environmental and economic issues.

Stone Laboratory, Ohio Sea Grant’s education and outreach facility on Lake Erie, serves scientists from across the Great Lakes region, offering lab facilities, field work equipment, research vessels and housing for researchers studying Lake Erie.

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