Patch 1.10.1 | Fun Playstyle AND Insane DPS Chain Blades Build - Dauntless Indonesia

Описание к видео Patch 1.10.1 | Fun Playstyle AND Insane DPS Chain Blades Build - Dauntless Indonesia

Here's a fun build to use guys, I have made this build before, but this is the advanced version of the build, which means, it has more output power compared to the previous one. I explained the build with a bit video editing and I hope it helps you guys understand the best way to use the Boreus weapon.

The Simple way is to use the dash attack ONLY, and not use the slamming attack, i did highlight a part of the battle where slamming attack does not work well with the build, so make sure to watch the video till the end. Boreus's effect generates frost sprites every time you cast the special, and these frost sprites will generate AFTER the slamming attack, which makes the unique literally useless, while on the other hand, it generates BEFORE the dashing attack. That is why, dashing works better.
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