Cory&Shawn || you are my family.

Описание к видео Cory&Shawn || you are my family.


“What about protecting your family?”
“I just did. You're my family”

Cory&Shawn. My new favourite friendship of all time. And my new favourite bromance, along with Sam&Dean.
I started the show two weeks ago and I knew I would have loved these two, and I wasn't disappointed at all. I even loved them more than I thought I would, which is saying something.
I don't know how many of my subscribers watched this show, but I seriously recommend it to everyone, because it's a lot more than just a sit-com, in my opinion. It has of course a lot of funny moments, but also so many that are serious and emotional. And it has Cory&Shawn, a friendship you cannot not fall in love with. It's so beautiful. I'm getting emotional just writing about it, but really! These two now own my heart, I can't do anything about it.
I love how they always care about each other, protect each other, and even when they fight, they always come back to each other. I love how Cory keeps Shawn away from the darkness and how Shawn always wants Cory not to cahnge. I like Cory&Topanga, they're cute, but to me Cory&Shawn is the most important relationship in the show. The show may be a sit-com, but you have no idea how many scenes almost made me cry. And most of them were Cory&Shawn's.
And not only did I fall in love with Cory&Shawn, but Shawn is now my favourite fictional character ever, along with Sam Winchester. I love him so much, and I could relate to him a lot.
I also really love the show in general – I love how we can see the characters grow up (and omg Cory in season 1 is such a cutie), and how many beautiful platonic relationships there are. Besides Cory&Shawn, that it's my number one favourite, of course, I think the one I like the most is Eric&Feeny. I really love their interactions! And I LOVE season 1&2 Morgan :'D She's the cutest child I've ever seen (sorry, I have a thing for babies hahah) :'D
Anyway, enough rambling about the show haha
Let's talk about the video. I am not 100% satisfied with it, but that's because I kept finding other scenes I wanted to add, and obviously I couldn't add them all. I mean, you cannot contain even half of Cory&Shawn's moments in a 5-minutes video. They just have SO. MANY. AMAZING. SCENES. But I do have to say that I'm really happy I could make a 5-minutes video in two days :'D
I know I've already vidded this song, but it fits these two so much and it was also so well related to the first part of the video, in which I wanted to show how Cory&Shawn are like family to one another, so I just had to vid. I know the editing is really simple, and probably not much fitting to the song, but as you can see the video is basically just a succession of quotes, and I aimed mostly for emotional, rather than an “effect-full” video.
I hope you will like this at least a little bit!
On a side note, thanks to serendipity. For watching a part of this video and supporting me and to Katherine Pulkrab for putting this stunning coloring that makes the bad quality of the clips look a little less bad :'D

Now, after this POEM (I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't want to write THAT much ^^''), I want to make three very important dedications. I'm dedicating this video to the three people whose Cory&Shawn AMAZING videos made me decide to watch this beautiful show: vicu1904, LadyMagiccc, xfoxyamanda11. I've watched your Cory&Shawn videos like 20957820 times, and I never get bored of them :') I know this video is not even half as good as yours, but I hope you will like it, because I tried to put a lot of emotions in this!
Special note to Vicky: I know my last video was also dedicated to you lol As well as my other video with this song hahaha But, I mean, a video about one of your favourite bromances, with one of your favourite songs? I had to dedicate it to you lol Consider this another late birthday gift :'D

I also want to dedicate this to GlowingAprilSky, because after the sweet comment she left on the preview of this video, I know she loves them :) I hope you will like this!

P.S. I really want to thank all of you for 1.4k subs! It means a lot to me knowing there are so many people interested in my videos :)

P.P.S. I made a new watermark, I hope you will like it, even if it's really simple!

►Fandom: Boy Meets World
►Pairing: Cory&Shawn (Shory)
►Coloring: Katherine Pulkrab
►Watermark: me

►Skype: MiaWinchester97

I do not own Boy Meets World or any of the characters involved in this video.
I do not own the song used in this video. No Copyright infringement intended, made just for entertainment purposes.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"


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